Tag: US President Donald Trump
After US President Donald Trump requested PM Narendra Modi to release the amount of Hydroxychloroquine ordered by the US government amid the coronavirus pandemic, Donald Trump said, "If PM Modi does not allow it to come out, that would be okay, but of course there may be retailiation."....
US President Donald Trump has lashed out at the World Health Organisation for not giving sound advice and favouring China over the US as he hinted at taking a relook at the WHO funding from his country.....
Calling him "terrific", US President Donald Trump has thanked Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi twice for allowing the export of pre-ordered hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to help his country fight the coronavirus pandemic. ....
As coronavirus continues to spread across the US, President Donald Trump has given governors guidance on reopening state economies in the coming months.....
US President Donald Trump while addressing the daily White House coronavirus briefing said "we are very close to a vaccine", after noting vaccine trials taking place in the US, Germany, the United Kingdom and China.....
US President Donald Trump while addressing the daily White House coronavirus briefing said "we are very close to a vaccine", after noting vaccine trials taking place in the US, Germany, the United Kingdom and China. ....
Twitter has refused to remove controversial videos posted by US President Donald Trump that suggest infecting disinfectant and use ultraviolet or "very powerful" light inside the body to treat coronavirus.....
US President Donald Trump while addressing the daily coronavirus briefing said his administration is sending ventilators to other countries in need as the US now has a "tremendous capacity" of its own.....
A top White House official tasked with tackling the coronavirus pandemic said that those who failed to abide by the federal mitigation guidance while protesting against lockdown measures were engaging in "devastatingly worrisome" behaviour. ....
A top White House official tasked with tackling the coronavirus pandemic said Sunday that those who failed to abide by the federal mitigation guidance while protesting against local lockdown measures were engaging in "devastatingly worrisome" behaviours.....